Grassroots Banking

Activate an account

  1. KUDI: Activate a Polaris account

  2. AGFIN: Activate a SunTrust account

Loan application

  1. If you attempt a loan before having used the account, you are denied

  2. Once the product is used, you can apply

  3. A lender will see your request, review your statement and approve

  4. You will get a text message with the offer

  5. You accept and your account is credited.

Send money

  1. Send money to an unsaved beneficiary

Buy airtime

  1. Buy airtime for others (unsaved number)

Savings plan

  1. Activate a savings plan

Simple Payments

Collect from account

  1. Via API (as seen on Paystack)

Pay with transfer

  1. Via an SMP page