Request (Transact)
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "request_ref":"{{request_ref}}", "request_type":"lookup_bvn_mid", "auth": { "type": null, "secure": null, "auth_provider": "Beeceptor", "route_mode":"null" }, "transaction": { "mock_mode": "live", "transaction_ref": "{{transaction_ref}}", "transaction_desc": "A random transaction", "transaction_ref_parent": null, "amount": 0, "customer":{ "customer_ref": "{{customer_id}}", "firstname": "Uju", "surname": "Usmanu", "email": "ujuusmanu@gmail.com", "mobile_no": "234802343132" }, "meta":{ "a_key":"a_meta_value_1", "another_key":"a_meta_value_2" }, "details": { "bvn":"23632626327", "otp_override": true } } } |
Status | Meaning |
Successful | Standard success code |
Failed | Standard failure code |
WaitingForOTP | To signify that this provider has requested an OTP from the customer and it should be supplied. |
PendingValidation | To signify that this provider needs some extra information to be provided. The |
Info |
Request payload from OnePipe to the provider microservice comes encrypted, using the Triple DES Algorithm. |
Request (Transact)
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "request_ref":"{{request_ref}}", "request_type":"lookup_bvn_mid", "auth": { "type": null, "secure": null, "auth_provider": "Beeceptor" }, "transaction": { "mock_mode": "live", "transaction_ref": "{{transaction_ref}}", "transaction_desc": "A random transaction", "transaction_ref_parent": null, "amount": 0, "customer":{ "customer_ref": "{{customer_id}}", "firstname": "Uju", "surname": "Usmanu", "email": "ujuusmanu@gmail.com", "mobile_no": "234802343132" }, "meta":{ "a_key":"a_meta_value_1", "another_key":"a_meta_value_2" }, "details": { "bvn":"23632626327", "otp_override": true }, "client_info": { "name": "TrustPay", "id": null, "bank_cbn_code": null, "bank_name": null, "console_url": null, "js_background_image": null, "css_url": null, "logo_url": "https://trustpay.onepipe.io/img/trustpay_logo_console.png", "footer_text": "Brought to you by <strong>SunTrust Bank</strong>", "options": [ "BANK.TRANSFER", "CARD" ], "primary_color": "#b37038", "secondary_color": "#b37038", "primary_button_color": "#b37038", "modal_background_color": "linear-gradient(147.44deg, #d8903c 26.99%, #e69921 74.1%)", "payment_option_color": "rgba(76, 61, 47, 0.08)", "payment_option_active_color": "rgba(31, 31, 31, 0.25)", "app_color": "#b37038" }, "app_info": { "name": "Victor Motors", "id": "5cdab3332b7d4100015f0db4", "beneficiary_account_no": "0001137069", "extras": {/*this will contain an array of provider override settings*/} } } } |
Whenever a request is to be validated by OTP, the provider microservice should first call the provider, store response info in the database, send an OTP to the phone number attached to the BVN, then respond with WaitingForOTP.
On the OTP validation legphase, if user OTP is valid, provider should retrieve info from the database, then respond with a Successful response.
NB: Data should be erased from the DB.
Special notes for providers
This should be seen as a standard lookup payments service. All providers are required to execute settlement per agreed contracts to the account designated by the client bank.