Info |
For details on encryption using the Triple DES Algorithm, read this. |
Request (Transact)
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "request_ref":"{{request_ref}}", "request_type":"lookup_bvn_max", "auth": { "type": "bvn", "secure": "{{encrypted_bvn}}", "auth_provider": "Beeceptor", "route_mode":"null" }, "transaction": { "mock_mode": "live", "transaction_ref": "{{transaction_ref}}", "transaction_desc": "A random transaction", "transaction_ref_parent": null, "amount": 0, "customer":{ "customer_ref": "{{customer_id}}", "firstname": "Uju", "surname": "Usmanu", "email": "ujuusmanu@gmail.com", "mobile_no": "234802343132" }, "meta":{ "a_key":"a_meta_value_1", "another_key":"a_meta_value_2" }, "details": { "otp_override": true } } } |
Response (when otp_override = false)
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "status": "WaitingForOTP", "message": "Please enter the OTP sent to 2348022****08", "data": { "provider_response_code": "900T0", "provider": "Beeceptor", "errors": null, "error": null, "provider_response": null } } |
Response (when otp_override = true)
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "status": "Successful", "message": "Transaction processed successfully", "data": { "provider_response_code": "00", "provider": "Beeceptor", "errors": null, "error": null, "provider_response": { "bvn": "22333055555", "first_name": "John", "middle_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Doe", "date_of_birth": "09-Dec-1990", "phone_number_1": "07037608648", "phone_number_2": "", "registration_date": "12-Sep-2015", "enrollment_bank": "011", "enrollment_branch": "MATORI", "email": "john.doe@gmail.com", "gender": "Male", "level_of_account": "Level 2 - Medium Level Accounts", "lga_of_origin": "Owerri West", "lga_of_residence": "Ikeja", "marital_status": "Single", "nin": "77766492344", "name_on_card": "John Jane Doe", "nationality": "Nigeria", "residential_address": "34, Banjo Street, Ikeja, Lagos", "state_of_origin": "Imo State", "state_of_residence": "Lagos State", "title": "Mr", "watchlisted": "NO", "base64_image": "{{Base64Image}}" } } } |
Request (validate with otp)
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "request_ref":"{{request_ref}}", "request_type":"lookup_bvn_max", "auth": { "secure": "{{encrypted_otp}}", "auth_provider": "Beeceptor" }, "transaction": { "transaction_ref": "70713093460718" } } |
Request Payload Description
Field | Type | Requirement | Description |
request_ref | string | compulsory | Takes unique value for every request made to OnePipe |
request_type | string | compulsory | This should be set to the service |
auth.type | string | compulsory | This should be set to |
auth.secure | string | compulsory | This should be set to the encrypted bvn. |
auth.provider | string | compulsory | This should be set to the name of the Provider |
auth.route_mode | string | N/A | This can be set to |
transaction.mock_mode | string | optional | This can be set to either |
transaction.transaction_desc | string | optional | Description of your transaction |
transaction.transaction_ref_parent | string | optional | Takes value of a (parent) transaction reference |
transaction.customer.customer_ref | string | compulsory | Identifier for customer |
transaction.customer.firstname | string | optional | First name of customer |
transaction.customer.surname | string | optional | Surname of customer |
transaction.customer.email | string | optional | Email address of customer |
transaction.customer.mobile_no | string | optional | Phone number of customer |
transaction.amount | big int | compulsory | This can be set to |
transaction.transaction_ref | string | compulsory | Takes unique value for every transaction call to OnePipe. |
transaction.meta | object | optional | Json object of your arbitrary transaction parameters |
transaction.details | object | compulsory | Holds defined fields peculiar to this service |
Acceptable values for auth.type
Type | Description |
bvn | Specifies that encrypted value in |
Breakdown of the details object
For this service, the details object will have the following:
Field | Type | Requirement | Description |
otp_override | boolean | optional | Defaults to |
Possible status response codes
For this service, these are the possible responses a client can receive
Info |
Request payload from OnePipe to the provider microservice comes encrypted, using the Triple DES Algorithm. See details. |
Request (Transact)
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "request_mode":"transact", "request_ref":"{{request_ref}}", "request_type":"lookup_bvn_max", "auth": { "type": "bvn", "secure": "{{decrypted_bvn}}", "auth_provider": "Beeceptor" }, "transaction": { "mock_mode": "live", "transaction_ref": "{{transaction_ref}}", "transaction_desc": "A random transaction", "transaction_ref_parent": null, "amount": 0, "customer":{ "customer_ref": "{{customer_id}}", "firstname": "Uju", "surname": "Usmanu", "email": "ujuusmanu@gmail.com", "mobile_no": "234802343132" }, "meta":{ "a_key":"a_meta_value_1", "another_key":"a_meta_value_2" }, "details": { "otp_override": true }, "client_info": { "name": "TrustPay", "id": null, "bank_cbn_code": null, "bank_name": null, "console_url": null, "js_background_image": null, "css_url": null, "logo_url": "https://trustpay.onepipe.io/img/trustpay_logo_console.png", "footer_text": "Brought to you by <strong>SunTrust Bank</strong>", "options": [ "BANK.TRANSFER", "CARD" ], "primary_color": "#b37038", "secondary_color": "#b37038", "primary_button_color": "#b37038", "modal_background_color": "linear-gradient(147.44deg, #d8903c 26.99%, #e69921 74.1%)", "payment_option_color": "rgba(76, 61, 47, 0.08)", "payment_option_active_color": "rgba(31, 31, 31, 0.25)", "app_color": "#b37038" }, "app_info": { "name": "Victor Motors", "id": "5cdab3332b7d4100015f0db4", "beneficiary_account_no": "0001137069", "extras": {/*this will contain an array of provider override settings*/} } } } |
Response (when otp_override = false)
Set provider_response_code to 900T0
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "status": "WaitingForOTP", "message": "Please enter the OTP sent to 2348022****08", "data": { "provider_response_code": "10", "provider": "Beeceptor", "errors": null, "error": null, "provider_response": null } } |
Response (when otp_override = true)
Code Block |
{ "status": "Successful", "message": "Operation was successful", "data": { "provider_responde_code":"00", "provider": "Polaris", "errors": null, "error": null, "provider_response": { "bvn": "22333055555", "first_name": "John", "middle_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Doe", "date_of_birth": "09-Dec-1990", "phone_number_1": "07037608648", "phone_number_2": "", "registration_date": "12-Sep-2015", "enrollment_bank": "011", "enrollment_branch": "MATORI", "email": "john.doe@gmail.com", "gender": "Male", "level_of_account": "Level 2 - Medium Level Accounts", "lga_of_origin": "Owerri West", "lga_of_residence": "Ikeja", "marital_status": "Single", "nin": "77766492344", "name_on_card": "John Jane Doe", "nationality": "Nigeria", "residential_address": "34, Banjo Street, Ikeja, Lagos", "state_of_origin": "Imo State", "state_of_residence": "Lagos State", "title": "Mr", "watchlisted": "NO", "base64_image": "{{Base64Image}}" } } } |