Hold funds

Hold funds

With this service, the calling app can request for a fixed amount of money be held from a customer’s account or wallet or other store of value. Apps will collect authorisation details and forward to OnePipe to execute, OnePipe will in turn forward to the provider’s dedicated implementation. For this service, apps are required to obtain consent to hold funds from the customer (likely at a prior time before the time the hold is required).

Before you proceed: Please read this.

Commercial model

Host clients will simply charge a fee to the calling app, and share it with the provider, OnePipe and ISO.

Special configuration notes

All providers of this service should implement OTP, but support the configuration of otp_override such that based on this configuration, they could be instructed to bypass the OTP requirement for an app.

Settlement & fees model

This service can only support one mode.


How it works


How it works


The client will invoice the calling app periodically for all calls to the endpoint.

Process flows

Sequence of calls

  1. Getting consent

    1. App calls /transact with the relevant auth details

    2. Provider responds with WaitingForOTP or PendingValidation as may be required

    3. App calls /transact/validate to supply OTP

    4. Provider responds with any of the completion codes Successful or Failed. If successful, provider also has to respond with a provider_token

  2. Placing a hold

    1. App calls /transact with auth.type set to provider_token and passing a prior received token.

    2. Provider responds with any of the completion codes Successful or Failed.

  3. Releasing a hold

    1. App calls /transact/reverse with the transaction_ref of used while placing a hold to release a hold.

Interface specification - (App → OnePipe)

Consent Request

This would perform a hold and return a token with app can execute a hold in future. Ideal use scenario is to hold a small amount (e.g. N1.00) to get a provider_token to use in future. All tokens will have expiry.

Request 1

{ "request_ref":"{{request-ref}}", "request_type":"hold_funds", "auth": { "type": "bank.account", "secure": "encrypted(bank.account;bankcode)", "auth_provider": "Beeceptor", "route_mode":"provider | options | null" }, "transaction": { "mock_mode": "live", "transaction_ref": "{{transaction-ref}}", "transaction_desc": "A random transaction", "transaction_ref_parent": "", "amount": 10000, "customer":{ "customer_ref": "{{customer id}}", "firstname": "Uju", "surname": "Usmanu", "email": "ujuusmanu@gmail.com", "mobile_no": "234802343132" }, "meta":{ "a_key":"a_meta_value_1", "another_key":"a_meta_value_2" }, "details": null } }

Response 1

{ "status": "WaitingForOTP", "message": "Please enter the OTP sent to 2348022****08", "data": { "provider_response_code": "T0", "provider": "Beeceptor", "errors": null, "error": null, "provider_response": { "reference": "000022200225154318222333334432", "meta":{ "field_key":"field_value", "field_key":"field_value" } } } }


Request 2

{ "request_ref":"{{request_ref}}", "request_type":"hold_funds", "auth": { "secure": "{{encrypted_otp}}", "auth_provider": "Beeceptor" }, "transaction": { "transaction_ref": "70713093460718" } }

Response 2


Place actual hold





Note that this service supports that the details object is null

Acceptable values for auth.type






Takes card details for hold.


Takes bank account details for hold.


Takes a wallet ID for hold.


A token representing prior consent given to hold funds

Possible response codes

For this service, these are the possible responses a client can receive

Response code


Response code



Standard success code


Standard failure code


To signify that this provider has requested an OTP from the customer and it should be supplied.


To signify that this provider needs some extra information to be provided. The response.message will contain the prompt.

Breakdown of the details object

For this service, the details object will be set to null



Possible values



Possible values




Interface specification - (OnePipe → Provider)

Read this closely.

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