Validate ID
This service facilitates image comparison in order to verify the identity of customers for calling apps. The service will compare two images, provided as source URLs or Base64 strings, to determine whether they match. Upon completion of the comparison, the service will return a Successful/Failed match result, as well as a similarity threshold
Before you proceed: Please read this.
Commercial model
At agreed settlement cycles, the host will debit the configured beneficiary account of the app for the use of this API and share that fee with all participants. Fees will be determined by the provider.
Special configuration notes
validation_threshold: All providers of this service should implement a threshold, this will help the provider implementing the service know what threshold should be compared against to determine similarity.
The provider will always have a default threshold if not supplied by the application config
Settlement & fees model
Model | How it works |
Invoice | The host client will invoice the calling app periodically for all calls to the endpoint. |
Process flows
Sequence of calls
App calls
with the images to be compared detailsProvider responds with any of the completion codes
(Succesful if the operation is successful and Failed if otherwise).
For details on encryption using the Triple DES Algorithm, read this.
Request (Transact)
"auth": {
"type": "",
"secure": "",
"auth_provider": "OnePipe",
"route_mode": null
"transaction": {
"mock_mode": "live",
"transaction_ref": "{{transaction_ref}}",
"transaction_desc": "A random transaction",
"transaction_ref_parent": null,
"amount": 0,
"customer_ref": "{{customer_id}}",
"firstname": "Uju",
"surname": "Usmanu",
"email": "",
"mobile_no": "234802343132"
"details": {
"target_id": "base64/url",
"source_id": "base64/url"
"status": "Successful",
"message": "Transaction processed successfully",
"data": {
"provider_response_code": "00",
"provider": "GRB",
"errors": null,
"error": null,
"provider_response": {
"validation_threshold": "configured threshold in app extras/environment variable",
"validation_score": "threshold return after comparing both images",
"is_valid": "true if validation_score is >= validation_threshold false if otherwise",
"deviation_percentage": "if is_valid is false, this holds the disparity in the thresholds (in percentage) otherwise 0",
Request (validate with OTP)
Breakdown of the details object
For this service, the details object will have the following:
Field | Type | Requirement | Description |
| string | compulsory | Id to be compared against (base64Image OR a valid URL) |
| string | compulsory | Id being compared (base64Image OR a valid URL) |
Possible status response codes
For this service, these are the possible responses a client can receive
Status | Meaning |
Successful | Standard success code |
Failed | Standard failure code |
Read this closely.
Special notes for OTP override